Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Of Course You Can Use Times New Roman for Your Resume - Jobscan Blog

Of Course You Can Use Times New Roman for Your Resume - Jobscan Blog Posted on May 1, 2015July 1, 2019 by Trista Winnie Not long ago, Bloomberg Business distributed an article on picking the correct typeface for your resume. It ran with the subhead, Utilizing Times New Roman is what might be compared to wearing warm up pants to a meeting. Bzzzt. Wrong. Attempt once more. Times New Roman isn't workout pants at a prospective employee meet-upâ€"off by a long shot. Workout pants at a prospective employee meeting are unseemly, messy, and strange. Never at any point called for. Luckily, the specialists counseled for the piece werent very as exaggerated as the subhead suggested. Brian Hoff, innovative chief of Brian Hoff Design, was cited as saying that picking Times New Roman for your resume is like getting into workout pants. Presently, Times New Roman can be precisely contrasted with numerous things. However, not to warm up pants. (Not even to the very good quality athleisure kind.) What Times New Roman is: entirely utilitarian, however not gaudy. Times New Roman is a Honda Civic. A glass of chardonnay. A center alleviation pitcher. Beige. As it were: totally functional and subtle. Conventional, ordinary, natural, averageâ€"truly, any of these could depict Times New Roman. With regards to continue text styles, however, that is not really a downside. Truth be told, Times New Romans omnipresence implies that itll be perceived by each candidate following framework (ATS) out there. A similar cannot be said for the nonstandard typefaces suggested in the Bloomberg piece. What's more, should you be among the minority whose resume moves beyond an ATS and assessed by a real human, Times New Romans universality implies it wont divert that individual from the genuine substance of your resume. Clearly, this is something worth being thankful for. Times New Roman will take care of business without capturing everyone's attention. Its clarity and commonality make it simple to take in initially. What's more, extremely, a look is all you have: An eye-following investigation of scouts indicated that a resume gets took a gander at for a normal of just 6 seconds before a choice is made. For the most part, if something is normal, it's basic for an explanation: It works. Times New Roman might be a customary decision for a resume typeface, however that doesnt make it a terrible one. While picking a typeface for your resume, sound judgmentâ€"not misleading contentâ€"ought to win. Facebook Comments #wpdevar_comment_1 span,#wpdevar_comment_1 iframe{width:100% !important;}

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What is Affirmative Action Anyway - Workology

What is Affirmative Action Anyway - Workology What is Affirmative Action? Check out part 2 and part 3 of this series on workplace diversity and affirmative action.   A couple of weeks ago I found myself engaged in a heated debate with a colleague of mine, who works in the tech industry, regarding workplace equality. We deliberated how imperative it is, in this day and age, that women be adequately represented in senior leadership positions, on boards of directors and in advisory roles, particularly within the HR and recruitment technology industry, where I work and consult. What is Affirmative Action? The discussion surrounded the idea of diversity within these roles. I am of the belief the companies should have diversity throughout all ranks of an organization. Our organizations should be representative of the customers we are seeking and the communities of individuals we employ and support. As the conversation progressed, I found that my colleague kept mentioning  Affirmative Action throughout our debate. Not only was it misused I was concerned about the negative connotation when it came to the specific term. Apparently, affirmative action in his mind was a bad and time consuming thing. I find that many people share this same misconception. Affirmative Action, and Diversity (though commonly affiliated) are not the same thing. Affirmative Action is a tool often used to encourage diversity within an establishment. Affirmative action in the workplace is a program put in place for those who make money by working with or government in the USA. Definition of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Affirmative action is part of  Executive Order 11246, as amended, which prohibits federal contractors and federally-assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Essentially companies who receive more than $10,000 in business from the government each year are held to a higher standard. These government contracts organizations seek to engage those in protected classes; classes including women, minorities, veterans and the disabled, among others. These government contracts are required to create annually an affirmative action plan or AAP. We call them affirmative action employers. Catchy, I know. .ai-rotate {position: relative;} .ai-rotate-hidden {visibility: hidden;} .ai-rotate-hidden-2 {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} .ai-list-data, .ai-ip-data, .ai-fallback, .ai-list-block {visibility: hidden; position: absolute; width: 50%; height: 1px; z-index: -9999;} The United States Department Labor tells us in its official definition, ”For federal contractors and subcontractors, affirmative action must be taken by covered employers to recruit and advance qualified minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and covered veterans. Affirmative actions include training programs, outreach efforts, and other positive steps. These procedures should be incorporated into the company’s written personnel policies. Employers with written affirmative action programs must implement them, keep them on file and update them annually.” For example, a corporation may practice affirmative action by inviting women to participate in programs like Google’s “Women Who Code” program. Another example could be a business may specifically ask people within one of these targeted demographics to apply for open positions at their company. What is Affirmative Action anyway? What is the definition and what is affirmative action not?  Check out part 2 and part 3 of this series on workplace diversity and affirmative action.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

And the award for worst commute goes to ...

What's more, the honor for most noticeably awful drive goes to ... What's more, the honor for most noticeably awful drive goes to ... Everybody has that one horrible drive story that they believe is meriting a reward for what they persevered. In New York City - which has the nation's longest drive time -you can really win a prize for your driving heroism.Last week, advocates from the Riders Alliance bunch propelled a week after week challenge to figure out which New Yorker had the most exceedingly terrible tram drive to advance the truth of what 5.5 million New Yorkers endure on the metros each and every day to policymakers choosing the maturing Metropolitan Transit Authority's financial plan for fixes. A New York Times examination found that the MTA had the most postponements out of any significant fast travel framework in the world.NYC lady wins grant for most exceedingly terrible commuteOn Tuesday, one New York City lady was delegated the debut Worst Commute grant champ for enduring a 30-minute outing that turned into a two-hour difficulty. Jennifer Tang, an administrator from Forest Hills, Queens, clarified how her every day drive to function turned into a bad dream for her body and mind.I was in a rush to return home and didn't utilize the washroom, calculating my 30-minute drive from Manhattan to Queens would not have been so terrible, Tang wrote in her submission.But only one prevent away from her goal, her train stalled out in the passage for two hours because of signal issues. Unable to utilize a restroom, Tang could just sit tight for relief.By the time the train maneuvered into the 67th Avenue station, I needed to race to a close by Starbucks so as to pee, she composed. I despite everything have post-awful pressure condition from this episode. Presently, before loading up the metro, regardless of whether it's for one stop, I utilize the restroom before I jump on the dungeon that is the MTA subway.New York, New Jersey, Illinois have most noticeably awful drive timesData shows why stories like Tang's are probably going to proceed in New York City. Utilizing U.S. Registration Bureau i nformation, Business Insider positioned normal drive times across 20 significant American cities.At 39.9 minutes, New York City had the longest drive time. Jersey City and Newark in New Jersey came in second and third at 36.2 and 34.4 minutes. Chicago's 34.1-minute drive opportunity normal came in fourth.How drives contaminate work environment attitudesBad drives are not only an individual wretchedness, they're a working environment issue causing withdrew, despondent specialists. The pressure of street traffic and tram defers you involvement with the morning establishes the pace of how you'll feel for the remainder of the day. In a review of exercises that made 900 members despondent, regularly scheduled drives were the most hopeless movement, pulsating out working at your particular employment or cleaning the house.Another recent study inferred that a 20-minute increment in a laborer's full circle drive time has a similar impact on work fulfillment as a 19% decrease in income.So ne xt time you feel horrendous on your spirit sucking drive, cheer up in realizing that you're by all account not the only one discovering this perseverance sport terrible.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Get Your Dream Job With a Resume Writing Consultation

<h1>Get Your Dream Job With a Resume Writing Consultation</h1><p>One of the most ideal approaches to give a resume that you are glad for is to employ an accomplished resume composing advisor. There are numerous points of interest to employing one of these professionals.</p><p></p><p>First, you will find that you have the aptitude to make an expert resume with no issue by any stretch of the imagination. You will likewise have the option to compose continues quicker than you would do it all alone. These experts will see all the lawful issues that encompass continue composing and occupation searching.</p><p></p><p>Second, the resume author that you pick can audit your resume in detail and afterward compose a quality prologue to your work history. This can assist with setting up you as a representative as opposed to only an occupation searcher. This can assist you with accepting your first meeting a lot faster. Obviously, these advisors work from the perspective of somebody who has composed numerous resumes.</p><p></p><p>Third, the resume composing expert will ensure that your resume stands apart from the others at work. The individual in question will have the option to place the most significant data into the segment of the resume that you are well on the way to recollect. They are prepared to utilize layouts to give your resume the expert look that is vital for this job.</p><p></p><p>Fourth, the experts will survey your resume after you have submitted it and cause proposals with regards to how you to can improve your resume. They will discover any mistakes and give you counsel about how to address them. This will assist you with setting aside time and cash on future resume composing projects.</p><p></p><p>Fifth, the resume composing expert is set up to deal with your inquiries concerning the sort of resume you need. They will have the option to clarify precisely the stuff to compose a resume.</p><p></p><p>Sixth, you will be given employment and training data, which can assist you with taking advantage of your resume. It will assist you with finding your way into the meeting much easier.</p>

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Car Games (Reviewed June 2020)

Car Games (Reviewed June 2020) Best Selling Car Games on Amazon Buyers Guide Reviews 2020 car games review - 'Burnout Paradise Remastered' image source: Electronic Arts / AmazonWhen youve finished a long day at the coalface, there is nothing quite like settling in comfortably for a bit of video gaming, whether that be with the best in shooting games or driving games. Car games in particular enable you to safely test your concentration, hand-eye coordination to the very limit, at the steering wheel of a souped up rally car, or a Formula One car, or to drive as part of an overall adventurous task, requiring task completion and the achievement of objectives.Of course, if youre a busy career professional, or an entrepreneur, you will have been doing this for real all day (possibly not in a car, but certainly testing all of the physical and emotional responses to the simulated video game challenge). This partly explains why professionals account for such a large proportion of the gaming public. Of course, theyre just plain old-fashioned escapism, a way to have some harmless ex citement and exercise your competitive streak in a fun arena.Best Car Games of 2020Our reviews team has looked at broad variety of the best driving gaming experiences across a range of platforms, including XBox, PlayStation, iOS and Android phones, and compiled these reviews of the best car games.ColCol'Forza Motorsport 7' Check Price 'Gran Turismo Sport' Check Price 'Burnout Paradise' Check Price 'Assetto Corsa' Check Price 'Need for Speed: Payback' Check Price 'Test Drive Unlimited 2' Check Price 'Project Cars: Game of the Year Edition' Check Price 'Extreme Car Driving Simulator 3D' App Check Price 'Real Racing 3' App Check Price 'Car Simulator' App Check Price 1. Car Games Review Forza Motorsport 7 Image Source:  AmazonForza Motorsport 7, developed by Turn 10 Studios and published by Microsoft Studios in October 2017, is the 10th instalment in the Forza series, which is regarded as Microsofts main alternative to Sonys Gran Turismo series â€"  see Number 2 on our list â€" and cl osely emulates the handling and performance of a number of real production, modified and racing cars.This instalment features more than 700 cars, including some brand new Forza Edition cars, as well as in excess of 200 completely different racing configurations to drive on across no fewer than 32 locations. These include all the tracks from Forza Motorsport 6, and imagining of a Dubai street route, in additional to some tracks from Forza Motorsport 4.With such tracks in the frame, including the Maple Valley Raceway, and Mugello and Suzuka Circuits, as well as some new additions to the Motorsport sub-series such as dynamic weather and customisable drivers, this is another Forza title set to remain a popular fixture in this iconic car game franchise.Available for: Xbox One and Microsoft WindowsAmazon Customer Reviews: 214 Average Review Rating: 3.9 out of 5 Stars Check Price 2. Car Games Review Gran Turismo Sport Image Source:  AmazonThis is the latest instalment of one of the most popular car games franchises of all time, which holds several Guinness World Records, and Gran Turismo Sport keeps the car game flag flying high in the Sony camp. With two main game modes â€" Sports and Arcade â€"  in addition to online racing, the game also has a great deal more content than its GT predecessors.There are some other differences. Unlike Gran Turismo 5 and Gran Turismo 6, the game lacks a dynamic weather system and a day-night cycle, however, the time of day can be set prior to the race. There are 177 cars and 27 configurations of 19 locations for gamers to work with, and for the first time in the GT series, Porsche vehicles are included.Gran Turismo is the highest selling PlayStation exclusive franchise, with a collective sales total of 72.6m units. And in an example of reality imitating games, the Maeda Corporation Tokyo University of Science once undertook a feasibility study into creating a real-life version of the game series fictional Grand Valley Speedway.Avai lable for: PlayStation 4Amazon Customer Reviews: 332 Average Review Rating: 3.1 out of 5 Stars Check Price 3. Car Games Review Burnout Paradise Image Source:  AmazonElectronic Arts remastered 2020 edition of the game initially released in 2008 allows you to vibrantly relive the thrilling, white-knuckle stunts, as well as the sheer wanton destruction of one of the greatest arcade car games of all time, all from the safety of your computer room and with better than ever before graphics, sound and responsiveness.Youll be burning rubber and shredding metal across and throughout the open roads and winding routes of Paradise City, all the time discovering exciting new jumps, stunts, manoeuvres and shortcuts. Youll be able to have online face-offs with your friends and also join in teams to undertake hundreds of online demolition challenges.A fantastic update, this remaster includes the main DLC packs from the Year of Paradise, including the Big Surf Island update, which has been recreat ed in fine detail, all for you and your fellow competitors to destroy in your burnout adventures!Available for: PlayStation 3 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Microsoft WindowsAmazon Customer Reviews: 47 Average Review Rating: 4.1 out of 5 Stars Check Price 4. Car Games Review Assetto Corsa Image Source:  AmazonDeveloped by 505 Games and released in mid-2016 Assetto Corsa takes racing simulation to the next level, having been developed with a forensic attention to detail on the physics realism of every aspect of car handling and the tracks they drive on.Thanks to brand partnerships with some of the most renowned car manufacturers in the world, the developers have been able to create stunningly life-like models from Ferrari, Mercedes, Lotus, Fiat, Lamborghini and McLaren, to name but a few.If this alone is not reason enough for gaming excitement, the cars handling can be finely attuned to your own personal style, and youll also be able to further enhance the overall driving experience by adjusting a full range of factors such as driver attributes and collision damageGamers can choose from more than 100 high-performance cars and over 20 track configurations, including such famed arenas as the Silverstone Circuit and the Nurburgring-Nordschleife. Gameplay is incredibly simple and accessible, including single and multiplayer racing, as well as race weekends, pre-set challenges and a fantastic Career Mode.Available for: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft WindowsAmazon Customer Reviews: 70 Average Review Rating: 3.3 out of 5 Stars Check Price 5.  Car Games Review Need for Speed: Payback Image Source:  AmazonThe screenshot for this thrilling video gaming (above) says it all. This is car driving as part of a explosive revenge-driven narrative, involving three main characters. Gameplay is divided into five main classes (Race, Drift, Off-Road, Drag, and Runner), and the risk-versus-reward nature of proceedings means the stakes of the intense cop chases have never been hig her.Need for Speed: Payback (NFS) is part of the Need For Speed racing video game franchise developed by Ghost Games and published by Electronic Arts. Loosely centered around illicit street racing, requiring players to complete tasks while evading capture by the police, NFS has been part of the video landscape since as far back as 1994.Need for Speed Payback, the most recent instalment, was released in November 2017, and it typifies the excellence of the gaming standards developed over the years by various teams including EA Black Box and Criterion Games. A critical hit, NFS is a hugely successful commercial franchise, and ‘… Payback’ will prove to be as enduring an instalment as its storied predecessors.Available for: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft WindowsAmazon Customer Reviews: 40 Average Review Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars Check Price 6.  Car Games Review Test Drive Unlimited 2 Image Source:  AmazonTest Drive Unlimited 2 an open world racing video game developed by Eden Games and published by Atari in 2011, is the 10th instalment of the successful Test Drive series. Its the second instalment to be named under the Unlimited sub-series, so-called because of its open world gameplay.Set on the island of Oahu and on Ibiza, there is a narrative underpinning the gameplay. Players take the persona of an aspiring competitor for an international racing championship, the Solar Crown. The player is coached by Tess Wintory, host of Solar Crown, and taken through the various licenses that must be gained to become eligible to race in the championship.Players can buy houses, cars and clothes from dealers on Oahu, and after obtaining the necessary licenses the player is able to participate in all challenges for a given class, working their way up to the Solar Crown by winning all of the various championship classes.Test Drive Unlimited 2 is a compelling mixture of narrative intrigue and car racing video game excitement.Available for: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Micros oft WindowsAmazon Customer Reviews: 102 Average Review Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars Check Price 7.  Car Games Review Project Cars Image Source:  AmazonDeveloped by Slightly Mad Studios and released by Namco Bandai in May 2015, the Project Cars Game Of The Year Edition is one of the best motorsport racing simulator games of all time. This is some seriously authentic and beautiful gameplay, and there is an amazing variety of factors to choose from so you can customise this game to the n-th degree.This Game of the Year edition adds another 50-plus vehicles, four tracks in addition to 60-something community-curated vehicle liveries. Since its launch, there have been more than 500 improvements and feature introductions in the three years since the launch of Project Cars, in addition to two new circuitsâ€"the iconic Nurburgring Combined Nordschieife and GP circuits, and two exclusive vehicles from Pagani the Zonda Revolucion and Huayra BC..In total there are now 74 drivable cars, more than 30 unique locations, 110 different courses, including point-to-point roads, real and fictional, all making up one of the most realistic driving simulation experiences possible.Unlike Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport, Slightly Mad Studios have allowed the player to choose between different motorsports paths and immediately access all the vehicles and tracks included in the game, and racing events span multiple days, with changes in daylight, weather and lighting conditions simulated dynamically.Available for: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft WindowsAmazon Customer Reviews: 6 Average Review Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars Check Price 8.  Car Games Review Extreme Car Driving Simulator 3D Image Source:  AmazonReview BODY TEXT 50-100 words 1-3 paragraphs.One of the best sports car simulator games available, this app from AxesInMotion is notable for its advanced real physics feel, which will enable you to closely experience the feel and drift of a racing sports car driven at full tilt!Th e game enables you to drive at speed on a route through a city, all the while performing hair-raising illegal stunts without any fear of colliding with rival vehicles or reprisals from the police.So in summary, this is a stunningly realistic driving experience but in an entirely fantasy scenario, where the only objective is fun as you burn rubber around the detailed environs of this open world tight-cornered urban gaming environment.Available for: Android 4.0Amazon Customer Reviews: 2,686 Average Review Rating: 4.3 out of 5 Stars Check Price 9. Car Games Review Real Racing 3 Image Source:  AmazonReal Racing 3 is an aptly named free-download app from Electronic Arts for Android 4.1, in which the player can get behind the wheel of three iconic Mercedes vehicles from the 1990s to take on Formula E drivers on the Formula E New York City track.Originally released in 2013 and updated in July 2020, this is one of the classic car games, and is rated as the top driving app in more than 100 countries.Theres a few surprises in store, such as the 1986 Porsche 959 Sport that you can unlock, commemorating 70 years of Porsche cars, while the Real Racing TV feature is a blast.Youll be putting your skills to the test on a greatly expanded 22-car grid, there are more than 45 cars to choose from, and youll be able to race against your friends via the Game Center and Facebook, in more than 900 events, including cup races, eliminations and drag races. This is a fantastic racing simulator!Available for: Android 4.1Amazon Customer Reviews: 5,423 Average Review Rating: 4.3 out of 5 Stars Check Price 10.  Car Games Review Car Simulator Image Source:  AmazonA free app by Oppana Games for Android 2.3.3, Car Simulator is one of the top simulator games available in the Amazon app store. This is fun, interactive game, with a first-person play mode, incredibly detailed car models and an equally detailed game-play world.With quest and arcade style missions as well as additional multi-pla yer mode missions, youll get a flavour of what its like to cruise around the city in a car, either by yourself or with friends. Youll even be able to set up races, and according to your own rules, so there is a strong element of fun.But perhaps the chief strength of this app is the lifelike nature of the gameplay, which requires you to use your instruments to stay safe and avoid crashes; to drive within the speed limits thereby avoiding the attention of the police; and to be sure to always keep your car supplied with adequate volumes of gasoline!Available for: Android 2.3.3Amazon Customer Reviews: 40 Average Review Rating: 3.2 out of 5 Stars Check Price car games review Burnout Paradise Remastered Image Source:  Electronic Arts / Amazon