Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ten Start-ups To Bet Your Career On

Ten Start-ups To Bet Your Career On Thousands of start-ups appear every year but very few of them actually manage to leave their mark on the business world. Today we’re taking a look at 10 recently successful start-ups that are worth betting your careers on! Inverse Inverse is a news portal that managed to accumulate a lot of success in a very short time. It focus on scientific and technological news and tries to predict what will happen next, looking into new technologies, unique ideas and trends that surface. Mobcrush If you enjoy online games then you are the target audience of Mobcrush, a mobile gaming platform that includes multiplayer and streaming options. It manages to create a community of gamers and has all the content they would be interested in. Giphy If you frequent image hosting sites and like looking for funny images and GIFs then you must have seen Giphy which made a huge splash on the animated image market in the past year. It’s a site and start-up that offers its users a platform to browse and share animated photos in great quality! Brebey Let’s take a trip to Italy in order to look at Brebey, a start-up that focuses on sustainable technologies and more specifically those made with sheep’s wool. They have managed to create amazing thermal insulation felt that benefits the environment greatly. Alodoktor Moving on towards the health and medicine field, we have Alodoktor, a start-up that consolidates and offers a vast amount of data regarding nutritional choices, medical information and the option to directly communicate with medical staff in order to receive instant advice or answers. Belong Have you ever had an awkward meeting with your boss and co-workers, feeling as if you don’t belong? Belong is aiming to simplify such matters by leveraging skills and experience of each person in order to bring the right workers with the correct business, where they belong. The platform they have created identifies the best possible candidates for specific jobs. Cybelangel This was one of the most successful start-ups of 2016, promising to go even further beyond in 2017. It deals with computer security and more specifically target those who illegally and improperly use business data. The start-up analyses a massive amount of data from all over the internet and establish systems to warn companies about their legal rights if they are targeted. Bitgold With the rise of gold value, it was only a matter of time before companies appeared that that made its use easier than ever. In this case, Bitgold is a start-up that wants to make online payments via gold a viable payment method. Through their platform it is possible to make gold transactions. Abalo Publicidad For those looking for work clothes and supplies, here comes Abalo Publicidad, a retail store offering high quality materials and tools for companies and professionals. They had a great success in the past year which only allowed them to increase the quality of their products even further. It is definitely a start-up worth looking into. Wine Outlet Finally, we must not forget Wine Outlet, the most successful start-up to come out of Greece in the last year. The company sells, delivers and provides detailed information about wines. What makes Wine Outlet so appealing is the vast amount of information and variety of wines and the quality and affordable prices they come with.

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